1989-12-05 |
Kat had a very good weekend. she is showing a lot of eye contact and affection (towards mom). She smiled a lot and fought (physically) with her older sister. I am enclosing her favorite video tape.
D. (Mother)
Thank you for the tape, the kids really enjoyed it
K. (Class Aide)
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1989-12-07 |
Kat is doing pretty well in the classroom. She is showing some increased eye contact and some improved attending skills. Still having difficulty identifying body parts. She will, though, point to eyes and nose consistently on a doll but not on self or others. Kat is beginning to label and/or point to some functional objects such as: doll, block, spoon, cup, banana, apple, cookie more consistently now.
The objects we are emphasizing are things that she comes across in the classroom. She is also now sorting the colors of red and yellow on a consistent basis, and sorts blue and green inconsistently. (the color sorting has improved!)
She seems to respond pretty well, with only a few reminders, to simple requests. Her play is also expanding some to: playing with blocks, dolls, some dress-up-play, and playing in the kitchen area for brief periods. (Although staff tries to consistently direct her to new toy items!)
We are seeing some improved imitation of simple movements such as hammering, stirring with a spoon, rocking baby to sleep, & clapping. She does seem to interact more with staff now but no peer interaction is observed. Actually, Kat usually gets quite upset if another child comes to play next to her. This week art & circle activities focus on “winter” and following two weeks we are working on a Christmas theme.
L.G. (Teacher)
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1989-12-20 |
Kat is generally doing better with eating. She put on her coat with little assistance after it was placed correctly in front of her. Managing objects such as doors and caps (requiring forearm rotation) has progressed well. Kat prefers play with a drum, looking at self in mirror & singing to herself. She tolerates directed play with fine motor activities only briefly.
Thanks, J.E.(Occupational Therapist)
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