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1989-09-06 |
Mr. & Mrs. H.,
Hello, I am the occupational therapist who will be working with Kat. It would help me if you could complete the enclosed sensory history. Also, could you write a brief description of her self-help skills (ie. - dressing, utensil use) and any areas you would like to see her work on.
Thank you,
J.E. (Occupational Therapist)
I’m the teacher in the class and I’m looking forward to working with Kat. I’ll be working closely with the therapists throughout the year. Anything you would like to write about Kat that may be helpful to us in the classroom would be appreciated. Looking forward to meeting you. L.G. (Teacher)
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1989-09-06 |
When possible we would like to see the types of things you are doing in this program. Please have someone contact us to set up a time for observation.
T. & D.H. (Parents)
Self-Help Skills
Kat can use a spoon when addressed “Kat, Spoon.” " is attempting to dress herself but needs help at this point.
Areas to work on
1. Kat's main problem is communication, both on a physical and verbal basis. She will respond to commands but ussually only after repeated and then responds hesitantly.
Eye contact has improved but is still lacking. I believe she is aware of what is happening around her but she for some reason ignores it unless badgered enough.
She currently has private therapies with the following:
C.F.: Speech Therapy; Kingsway
S.H.: Occupational Therapy; Kingsway
Hopefully we can co-ordinate our efforts to maximize results.
T. & D.H. (Parents)
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1989-09-07 |
I am the speech therapist who will be working with Kat this year. It would help me if I could meet with you to discuss Kat's communication abilities and if I can contact her private therapist to discuss mutual goals.
L.P. (Speech Therapist)
Thanks for your input!
L.G. (Teacher) |
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1989-09-11 |
These are the phone #’s of Kat's private therapists.
S.H.: (O.T.) 555-5555
C.F.: (Speech Therapist) 555-5555
If you have any problems contacting them, please let us know. Recently, Kat has started pulling her own hair and the hair of others. We think this may be her expression of frustration. She also is recently showing great attachment to her mother. For example, if her mother leaves Kat in the car with her sister and father, Kat will cry and to some extent have a tantrum. She also only wants to walk with her mother when we go some place. This is causing some jealousy in her 6 year old sister.
T. & D.H. (Parents)
Mr. H.,
Thanks for C.F.'s #. I will be calling her this week.
L.P. (Speech Therapist)
Mrs. H. -
Thanks for giving us the phone number's of the therapits. I did try to contact you today but I was unsuccessful. I wanted to inform you that she has a little red mark by her right eye. I had the nurse look at it- she says it looks like she was rubbing it or may be have bumped it. She said not to be concerned. I just wanted to let you know. I’ll try to contact you later.
L.G. (Teacher) |
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1989-09-13 |
Kat brought home a thermos yesterday which was not hers. It is in her pack. When Kat receives therapy or is working on specific skills, please let us know so we can reinforce these things at home.
T. & D.H. (Parents)
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1989-09-14 |
Dear Mr. & Mrs. H.,
Actual therapy has not started because we are in the process of assessing each child’s abilities & strengths. To help on this process please answer this questionnaire. Thanks,
L.P. (Speech Therapist)
Dear Mr. & Mrs. H.,
I’ll be sure to discuss skills to work on at home as well as stratagies to do so. I’ll in the process of assessing Kat, when the assessment is complete I’ll have a better idea of what to work on! Any input you can give me, would be great!! L.G. (Teacher)
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1989-09-20 |
Mr. & Mrs. H.,
I just wanted to let you know that we are in the process of developing a checklist of basic skills we are currently working on. This checklist will be sent home daily along with comments and/or suggestions that may help you at home.
Overall, Kat seems to be able to follow the basic routine & she is beginning to initiate more at school.
L.G. (Teacher)
If you can, please send pictures of Kat's family/pets/relatives for her "family book" that we are going to make. Thanks -
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1989-09-21 |
The pictures of Kats family are in the envelope. Kat was very upset when she attended her private speech therapy yesterday. She pulls her hair when upset. I’m not sure how we can break this habit.
T. (Father)
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1989-09-25 |
Thank you for the checklist that you sent to us on Friday. It was very informative. It would be great if you could send that everyday. I have modified the chart and added a couple of other items. This would make it easier for us to monitor Kat's progress. I could make and copy this chart for you if you would be willing to fill it out daily. Please comment and return the sheet to us.
This weekend Kat would take someone by their hand and bring them to the bathroom with her. This was a first since she usually tried to go by herself. She also responded to “Kat give mommy a cookie” and brought it over + tried to feed me. She responds to sit down, eat, cookie, banana, up.
Thank you. D. (Mother)
PS Kat gave us a lot of eye contact this weekend.
We are sending snacks with Kat on her bus. If this is not enough for this week, let us know.
T. (Father)
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1989-09-26 |
Thank you for your input! We’ll try to modify our checklist accordingly! Good to hear about Kat's progress!
L.G. (Teacher)
Thank you for snack - it should be enough for the week!!
I was able to get in touch with C. F. and we discussed Kat's communication abilities. I will be writing formal goals this week and told C. I would be in touch with her next week so we could reinforce each other’s goals. C. told me she has been working on picture recognition to develop a way to express needs & wants. We discussed the possible use of sign with Kat and would like to discuss this with both of you
L. P. (Speech Therapist)
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