* Please stop Kat's personal information , the conversation drill would confuse her.
1/24 Hi C., &/or k. ,
This note book will be used for any additional daily communications . The following are steps we follow when we fill out the " drills " information .
1. Review which drill needs to be done next
* We try to change the sequence of drills so that Kat does not know what to expect next . See Records section
2. Review notes from the previous trials for a drill you selected .
3. Review the drill information
* Check to make sure you have the environment set up and all materials ready.
4. Follow this pattern for each drill:
SD & Immediate full prompt
SD & Immediate partial prompt
SD (Max two trials that she fails, then prompt)
|------> Kat Response ------> Reward ot No
newer material ------> older material
5. After the drill record 1 to 2 lines description on the note paper , about how the drill went
6. Record your first name initial for that drill in the record for that day
The toughest part for us have been the reinforcers. Trying to keep a variety of them . We have not started the emotions drill yet since we didn't have the materials ready
7. Room Labels
10. I don't know
* Do not require any additional materials
Drill 2 . requires 2exact chairs , an an object we use a boat at home , and a box for in & out
Drill 4,5& 11
Drill 6 We try & use small 3 dimensional objects taped to index cards
Drill 8 Verb picture cards
Drill 9 shoe box with small toys & items listed
Drill 16 shapes cut out
Drill 17 objects that are one color
Please call me if you have any questions or would have time today for me to come in to show how we do these at home .
1-24 Danuta -
Thank you for the info . I copied the previous two pages for all the staff to read . We set up the room/stations today for the program . I also reviewed word that Ms. P. will not begin until at least this Fri . ( Board has to approve her) . I look forward to our rescheduled meeting ( hopefully soon! ) . spoke to J.R. this AM concerning this . It's good to see Kat after the longest week of the year so far ! ! !
C. |